Friday, January 30, 2004

Not at all what you'd expect...

Presumably set up by the Cambridge University New Testament Society...

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Baby Optimism

Baby Optimism

Looks like the lovely Tom and Vicky have finally pulled through the labout ward hell that has been the birth of their first child.

But what a shame Dolan v2.0 missed Chinese new year _and_ the anniverary of the worlds best computer.

Because Monkey Macintosh Dolan would be a great name. :-)

Although the arrival was a bit of a Performa-nce...

Friday, January 23, 2004 - Penta Bottled Water: Research and Studies - Penta Bottled Water: Research and Studies

What a complete pile of shit.

The Psychology of the Virtual

Today Programme - Listen (rm)

Susan Greenfield and some academic from one of the 'new' universities talking about virtual reality and addiction on the Today show.

God, I love the Today show. It's what I pay my licence fee for.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Finally - showing someone how its done...

So here I am, in my front room. An finally, I'm getting to show someone how fantastic blogs are...

Monday, January 12, 2004

Fear of a Black Nannymobile

How to Save the World on why Jeep-things make you feel safe when you aren't. Fulhamobile owners be warned.

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Yes! The Big Time!

I've got my name on boingBoing. Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Friday, January 09, 2004

Belle de Jour

Belle de Jour is on form today - talking about filtybumsex.

b3ta sounds, r1cher sounds

b3ta does the radio.

They're playing a song about a frigging chevvy for christmas.

I'm not sure how I feel about this

A video of skydiving babies.

It's got a lady in her underwear, skydiving babies, and appears to be a remix of ... I think... Jefferson Airplane. Or is it Fairport Convention? Whoever it is, I'm sure it was one of those tracks I associate with girls in long kaftans taking more LSD than was strictly good for them...

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Godlike Trombone Playing. Oooh, hah.


I must find the link to the fantastic CV...

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

There's no law here, boi

Daily Star Seems to think it's above the law. What a bunch of arseholes.

Scary Google Ad Words mk.III

The Mildly Diverting curse of the adwords strikes again. How's this for cheery advertising at the top of your page?

"Related Searches:
? teenage depression ? teenage suicide ? teenage drinking ? peer pressure ? cliques ? self esteem ? parenting ? bullies "

Two thoughts arise from this:

Could adwords on your blog be used as a measure of your mental state? A cross between a psychometric test, and Tarot. It works by referencing the words on your blog (which, lets face it, are self indulgent piffle, mostly) against everything that's being searched for on Google. So it's a kind of index of your linguistic style versus the general web zeitgeist.

That gives you a highly concentrated form of the issues that are concerning you, in a surprisingly disarming way (like Tarot, you tune in to the gist, and translate it so it is meaningful to you. Not, I hasten to add because it actually works due to some mysterious force. Good lord, no - what do you take me for... wooly headed?). Which is enough to make your words alien enough to you to make you think.

Or Something.

Secondly - I'm getting a much better idea of how to spot the words and phrases on the blog that generate these cheery bons mots. In this case, I think it's the link to the ethnographic study of mobile usage amongst teenagers, coupled with the sarky description of my personal tube map - words like mother, relationship and, like, sex. Snigger. I'm sure I can start applying this knowledge to my metadata...

Second and a half thought - Google is SPIDERING MY MEMORIES! Noooooooo!

And thirdly - a more general aside. New years resolutiony thing - is to actually write some oppinions up here. And think about stuff a bit more. Not just linkdump. I've realised that I didn't fire up the blog once whilst I was away from my desk - which is a shame, as writing is beginning to help me sort things out in my over-stuffed head.

Of course, I'll just continue to use this to distract myself from fear and terror in the office. Because at heart, I am a lazy, lazy bugger.